Bate Baitman

Bate Baitman
Bate's Fishing Ride

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Bate Gets A New Hat, And A Crab :-)

Sky and I thought we would change it up tonight and go to the Pier, not to catch fish but to catch crab - Blue Crab.

We got to the Pier a little before sunset and rigged up our 'recreational' crab traps that we bought from Mastry's Bait Shop on 4th St. 17th Ave. South in St Petersburg.  Very friendly, helpful and knowledgable folks there at Masters.  A local bait and tackle haunt on the peninsula for the last 38 years.

It was our first night time fishing experience.  The Pier at St. Petersburg at night, especially on the weekend is a very fun and interesting place to be.  Just after sunset swarms of fishermen and women with rods in hand and many with elaborate gear totes and coolers in tow populated the Pier.  There was festivity in the warm summer air.  

We're definitely coming back but like most times you do anything for the first time, you find yourself unprepared.  There is a list of things we should have brought with us.  Among them, snack food and drinks.  We're starving!!

Well, we caught one crab and it was a Stone Crab, not a Blue Crab and I learned from one of my fishing buddies that it is against the law to keep them but you can break off the claws and throw body of the crab back into the water.  It will grow new claws within weeks.  So we did.  Here's our catch.  

OK, it's not much but it doesn't' really matter how much you catch but that you get out there and have some fun and that we did.

Oh, by the way, I bought a new hat !!

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Pier Fishing in St Petersburg

Another beautiful day for fishing in St Petersburg

Added a few new fishing buddies today out on the Pier in St. Petersburg.  This is Jamiel.  He's been fishing on this Pier for about 10 years.  He was casting this huge net.  Maybe next time I see him I'll make a video.  It's amazing to watch.  He makes it look so easy and man, today the tiny Green Backs were abundant.  He was hoping for the larger ones but this is what he brought up today.  He gave me a bucket full, kept a bunch and left the rest for the birds.  The birds were very  happy about that.

This is Cooper.  He rides his little electric car from Gulp Port via public transportation.  He a fine old guy.  Today he caught a few Sheeps Head.  We was fishing with tiny fiddler crabs.  

Well, here's my catch for the day.  Mangrove Snapper.  Yumm.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

St Petersburg - Tampa Bay Waterspouts

Wild and wacky weather can be fun to watch and sometimes it makes for good fishing.  I took this picture from the Tampa Bay Times.  My homeless fishing buddy, Allen, saw one of these a few evenings ago right off the Pier in St. Petersburg.  Sorry I missed it.  That must have been exciting.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Family Outing - St Petersburg is the best!

St. Petersburg, what a great place be.  Family members come into town for a visit.  No worries.  Let's go for a bike ride and hey, go fishing!  Everybody learned to cast the net.  We caught some bait, fished for a while in the marina then went out to the pier.  The weather was fine.  Everybody got some sun.  We even caught a few fish.  No keepers though.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Didn't Catch a Thing Today

Today was one of those B O R I N G fishing days.  Could hardly give my bait to the fish.  Where do they go.  Must have been in a meeting.  But I still worked up an appetite and stopped by one of my Vendor buddies.  This is Eric.  He's opening a speciality Tea Shop & Cafe in the Museum of History located a the base of the Pier.  He's set up a little hot dog stand to feel out the traffic and start to get to know the area. He's hoping to open his shop sometime in September.  Very nice guy, pretty good hot dogs too.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

St Petersburg July 23, 2013

The roll call of my fishing buddies continues.  Today we met Kong and a new character, Angelino.

Kong.  Very nice man. An honest man, fun to be around. He works in the local area and carries his fishing gear in his car.  There have been several times when I was fishing in this spot and all of a sudden I would hear Kong yelling from his car window as he drove by......How's the fishing.  He's a good fisherman too.  

Angelino.  Well we just met Angelino.  He drove by on his tricked out, American flag bicycle.  He's a disabled Vet, a little rough around the edges but so far, seems to be a pretty straight shooting guy.  Kong and I caught 3 catfish that Angelino was happy to carry home for dinner. 

It was another good day for fishing and hanging out with my fishing buddies.  I only caught one keeper today.  I gave it to Kong.  He went home with 6 or 7 fish.  Fish dinner tonight.  Kong wants to take me to a local Taiwanese restaurant where he knows the owner and the chef.  Can't wait.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

St. Petersburg - JULY 23

Here are a few of my fishing buddies.  Steve the Birdman.  He's been fishing this same spot for several years.  He gives all of his catch to the old pelicans that have adopted him as their benefactor.  They are very old and some of them are going blind.  He's a very caring fellow and has many great stories to tell.

This is Calvin.  He's on the pier at St Pete almost every morning.  He's a great fisherman and almost always has a catch but even better, he's a great guy.  A kind and generous man.  He often gives his fish away to his friends and neighbors and when you talk to him for a while you can tell the goodness in his soul runs deep.

Cal had 6 fish in his bucket when I met his this morning.  Mangrove snapper mostly.  Yumm.